Breast Implant Exchange

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Las Vegas and Henderson, NV

A breast implant exchange is an effective way to restore or maintain the appearance of your augmented breasts. It is a cosmetic surgery that involves replacing a patient’s original breast implants with an updated pair. This procedure can address dissatisfaction with the look of your breast implants, as well as correcting any malfunctions. It typically involves changing the size, shape and texture of the implants to improve aesthetics.

At Las Vegas Body Sculpting, Dr. Mustafa Ahmed provides first-class breast implant exchange procedures to help his patients look their very best. He is a triple board-certified cosmetic surgeon who dedicates his life to achieving satisfactory results for patients in the Las Vegas area. To learn more, call us at (702) 899-8100 or visit our contact page.

Before and After Photos

About Breast Implant Exchange

Although breast implants can last for a long time, they do not always last a lifetime. The appearance of breasts that have been augmented with breast implants are subject to change for a variety of reasons. Weight loss, weight gain, and pregnancy can all change the way your breast implants affect your appearance. It is also common for people with breast implants to simply desire a new and improved look, whether they think smaller, larger, or differently-shaped implants might achieve this. Receiving implants with a different texture and replacing saline implants with silicone gel implants can change the feel of augmented breasts, for example. Breast implant exchange is prevalent for people who have augmented breasts with implants, with about 36% of patients receiving revisional surgery. (1)

Patients commonly undergo breast implant exchange because of a specific defect related to their current implants. The most common of these complications are capsular contracture (scar tissue around the implant that causes discomfort) and shifting implant position. (2) Other defects include:

  • Ruptured implant
  • Rippled or winking implants
  • Sagging breast that can no longer support implants
  • Asymmetrical breasts
  • Implants that have fallen below the breast crease
  • Symmastia (implants that are placed too close together)
  • Lymphoma

In some cases, such as with sagging breasts, Dr. Ahmed can combine a breast lift with the breast implant exchange procedure to remove excess skin and reinforce the supporting tissue. He can also combine fat transfer techniques along with the new implants to provide even fuller breasts a more natural look and feel.

Benefits of Breast Implant Exchange

A breast implant exchange procedure can address the problems you have with the results of your original breast implant procedure. Whether they were inadequate from the beginning or because circumstances changed and your optimal aesthetic evolved, Dr. Ahmed can meet your wishes. Some of the benefits of receiving a breast implant exchange with Dr. Ahmed include:

  • Updating the aesthetics of your breasts to better conform to your body after significant weight loss, weight gain, or a change in taste
  • Fixing any complications or visual defects that have developed with your original breast implants
  • Alleviating the uncomfortable symptoms related to complications like capsular contracture
  • A quicker recovery than your original breast augmentation with implants
  • Restoring the confidence in your body that you deserve after undergoing cosmetic surgery
  • Even if you need this procedure to resolve a complication, you can still use it to improve the appearance of your breasts by changing the size, shape, and texture of the implants

Who is a Candidate for a Breast Implant Exchange?

An ideal candidate for a breast implant exchange will know the ways in which they want their breasts to improve as a result of this revision treatment. If you simply need to replace the implants because of a complication, you should be prepared and willing to undergo cosmetic surgery again to address the issue. For Dr. Ahmed to provide the best aesthetic results he can, you should be close to your target weight before you opt for this procedure. Significant changes in your weight after receiving this treatment could alter the efficacy of your results. Because you will need to heal properly and recover from your breast implant exchange, you should be in relatively good health. Having realistic expectations about what updating your breast implants can do for your appearance will also help to make this procedure more successful.

Personal Consultation

At your personal consultation, Dr. Ahmed will examine the state of your breast implants and devise a personalized plan for your revision surgery. He will let you know the ways in which he can improve your appearance by updating your implants, as well as use your current beauty goals to inform his plans. Be sure to communicate your wishes clearly so he can provide satisfactory results to the best of his ability. If this is your first procedure with Dr. Ahmed, he will want to understand your medical history in detail, so be prepared to answer questions about your past surgeries, conditions and prescriptions. He will run some medical tests to gauge your current health condition as well. If he decides that breast implant exchange surgery is right for you at this time, we can schedule your procedure appointment. We will give you preparation instructions and let you know what to expect as your procedure draws nearer. To schedule your personal consultation, call (702) 899-8100 or fill out the form on this page.


Your preparation instructions will be personalized based on the specifics of your upcoming procedure, your medical history, and the results of the tests we run at your consultation. They will include all the ways in which you can adjust your lifestyle to get your body ready for surgery. They may also include changes to your medicinal regime. Following these instructions closely is a measure that you can take to improve the likelihood that your treatment is safe and effective. Before any surgery, there are a few general precautions that can get your body ready for surgery and improve your ability to heal. Maintaining a consistently active and healthy lifestyle is the best way to reinforce your body against the effects of invasive surgery. If you smoke tobacco or consume alternative nicotine products, you should quit as soon as your procedure is scheduled, and for the duration of your recovery. The negative health effects of smoking, as well as the effect that nicotine has on blood flow, can cause complications and be a detriment to your healing. You should also refrain from ingesting blood-thinning substances like ibuprofen. These substances can decrease your blood’s ability to naturally congeal, which can cause excess bleeding from your incisions.

Breast Implant Exchange Procedure

When you arrive at our facilities on the day of your procedure, we will administer general anesthesia to put you to sleep and prevent any discomfort during your treatment. To begin, Dr. Ahmed will make the incisions in your breasts. These incisions will depend on the size of your implants and the plans that Dr. Ahmed has for your surgery. If he can, he will make the incisions in the same place as your original breast augmentation procedure, to avoid creating more visible scarring than necessary. He will remove your original implants and address any complications that may be apparent. If necessary, he will perform breast lift techniques such as removing excess skin and tissue. He will insert the new implants, placing them in a precise position geared toward long-lasting results. Finally, he will close your incisions and the procedure will be complete.


Recovery from a breast implant exchange is typically not as elaborate as recovery from an initial breast implant procedure. Because your breasts have already undergone augmentation with implants, your body will likely not react as strongly as it did after your first procedure. This is especially the case if your updated implants are close to the same size as your original implants. If your treatment required breast lift techniques, or your breast cavity needed to be adjusted for larger implants, you will experience more swelling, bruising, and potential discomfort than a simple exchange. We can prescribe medication to help alleviate swelling and deal with any discomfort you might feel. Everyone reacts differently to cosmetic surgery and the downtime necessary for recovery will be unique to you. However, most patients are able to return to work after one week, depending on the physical demands of their job. To help facilitate healing, you should get plenty of rest and stay hydrated. Standing up often and taking light walks can also help to keep your blood flowing and encourage healing.


The final results of your breast implant exchange will be hidden by swelling for up to several months after your surgery. However, you will be able to see the major differences almost immediately after your treatment, whether it be an updated aesthetic, the elimination of an uncomfortable complication, or both. With a breast implant exchange from Dr. Ahmed, you can achieve the beautiful appearance and stable condition of augmented breasts that your initial implants failed to provide.

How Much Does a Breast Implant Exchange Cost in Las Vegas?

If you need a breast implant exchange procedure to treat a dangerous or painful malfunction in your implants, your treatment may be eligible for coverage by your insurance company. To discuss this topic and learn more about how much breast implant exchange costs at Las Vegas Body Sculpting, call (702) 899-8100 or contact us here.


How long do breast implant exchange procedures take to complete?

Unless breast implant exchange procedures require complicated surgical techniques like skin excision to achieve optimal results, the procedure typically takes 1 to 1.5 hours to complete. 

How do I know if it is time for a breast implant exchange?

There are a variety of reasons why you may be entitled to a breast implant exchange. If your implants have ruptured, or you are experiencing an embarrassing or painful implant malfunction, this treatment is an effective solution. You can also opt for this procedure for elective cosmetic purposes. Whether you want differently sized, shaped, or textured implants, you have the right to choose a better body with breast implant exchange surgery. 

What does recovery from a breast implant exchange procedure look like?

Recovery from breast implant exchange surgery is often less intense than from an initial augmentation with implants procedure. Most patients are able to return to work after one week. As always, a relaxed and healthy environment will work best to facilitate healing during recovery. 


  1. Denney BD, Cohn AB, Bosworth JW, Kumbla PA. Revision Breast Augmentation. Seminars in Surgery. 2021;35(02):098-109. doi: 
  2. Brown MH, Somogyi RB, Aggarwal S. Secondary Breast Augmentation. Reconstructive Surgery. 2016;138(1):119e135e. doi: