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Considering a Butt Lift? We Answer All of Your Questions

If you’ve always dreamed of having a rounder, fuller backside, a Brazilian butt lift could be the solution you’re looking for. This popular procedure takes fat from your trouble zone and transfers it to your bottom, giving your backside — and your confidence — a lift. 

Here at Las Vegas Body Sculpting and Aesthetic in Las Vegas, Nevada, Mustafa Ahmed, MD, and our entire care team understand that you probably have many questions about this transformative procedure. To help answer your questions about the popular Brazilian butt lift, we’ve put together this informative guide. Read on to learn more.

What is a Brazilian butt lift?

The Brazilian butt lift, named for the many women of Brazil with round, curvy bottoms, is a surgical procedure that transfers fat from one or more areas on your body to your buttocks. It continues to grow steadily in popularity, with nearly 20 million people undergoing the procedure each year. 

Where does the fat come from?

The fat used to enhance your bottom comes from your body and is removed during a process called liposuction. Dr. Ahmed works with you to decide the trouble zones you’d like to see reduced that can work for the transfer. 
The most common site for fat removal is the abdomen, but the fat can also come from your hips, inner thighs, or back. Once removed, the fat is treated for the grafting procedure and strategically injected into your buttocks to add volume and enhance your natural shape.

Will my body reject the fat grafts?

Because Brazilian butt lifts use your own fat, your body won’t reject it. This also means you’re safe from allergic reactions, which can happen with some synthetic products. It does take some time for the fat to settle into position, so you need to wear a supportive guard for a short period of time.

Will I be asleep during the procedure?

Dr. Ahmed works with you to find a sedation plan that’s right for you. Generally, patients opt for medication that helps them relax comfortably for the duration of the butt lift. Additional medications are administered during the liposuction portion. These help with the fat removal process and augment your comfort.

Does a butt lift affect the appearance of cellulite?

The fat transferred during a Brazilian butt lift looks smoother than the naturally occurring fat on your buttocks. If you have severe cellulite, however, a Brazilian butt lift alone won’t remedy the problem and Dr. Ahmed may recommend additional treatments. 

Will a butt lift fix all of my shape issues?

The Brazilian butt lift reshapes and adds volume to your buttocks, but since the fat used comes from your trouble zones, it has the added bonus of helping redefine your shape in other areas. Depending on your goals, Dr. Ahmed may recommend other procedures to help give you the shape of your dreams.

How long is the recovery from a butt lift?

It’s important to follow all post-surgery instructions during the recovery time to help the transferred fat cells settle into their new position. This means you won’t be able to sit for long periods of time during the first several weeks after surgery. You need to rest and sleep in positions that don’t add pressure to the buttocks. You can resume light activities after about a week and return to work within two weeks. Normal sitting can result after about eight weeks. 

How long will my butt lift results last?

The results from your Brazilian butt lift are meant to last. Fat cells can’t regrow, so the fat removed with liposuction won’t return to the transfer area. Some of the fat cells inserted in the buttocks may die within a few months, but the vast majority stay in place for years. 
By six months after your surgery, you should start to enjoy your final results. Your bum will look curvier and you’ll notice improved body proportion. You’ll also enjoy looking and feeling better when wearing your clothes. 
It’s important to note that significant weight gain or loss after surgery can affect your results. Be sure to discuss your weight with Dr. Ahmed before the procedure and work to maintain a stable weight afterward for optimal results. 

How can I learn more about a Brazilian butt lift?

Dr. Ahmed is a triple board-certified physician who’s passionate about aesthetic care and dedicated to your overall well-being. He answers your questions and addresses your concerns to ensure that you feel comfortable and confident in your aesthetic choices.

To learn more about the Brazilian butt lift or to schedule a consultation, call our Las Vegas office today or request a consultation online now.